The Guilty Pleasure of Mystery Books

Turning to Mystery Books

During this current economic downturn, people are turning to things which will allow them to escape now and again. Books have never been as popular as they are today and thanks to modern

technology, the introduction of e-readers have tempted younger people to begin reading for pleasure. If you’re looking for an exciting story which will test your intelligence and push you, then a thrilling murder mystery book can’t be beaten for pure entertainment.

The first thing that you notice about any book is its cover and its title. Mystery books with a mysterious image for its cover will grab anyone’s attention, and a title that is captivating will leave the potential reader wanting to know more. By the end of chapter one, the reader should be gripped and have a strong urge to keep turning the pages to find out what happens next.

To reel the readers in, the author will have cleverly created believable protagonists and will start to sow the seeds of doubt regarding certain background characters. There will be a few subtle clues and perhaps an unexpected red herring or an unusual twist to get the readers thoroughly hooked. If a murder mystery novel is well written, then it may leave the reader feeling a little anxious or uncomfortable on occasion.

Fans of Mystery Books

Fans of mystery books are always looking for their next fix as they love the adrenalin rush that a well thought out story brings to

them. A clever murder mystery will invite the reader to unravel the clues and try and solve the puzzle by making random guesses and assumptions. Mystery books should not make the “baddie” out to be dumb. This is stereotypical; it’s far more alluring to create a brilliant criminal who takes calculated risks.

A successful mystery novel will depend on keeping the reader craving for more. However, it’s frustrating if too many loose ends are left behind. The ending of the best mystery book always has the right amount of balance which is not to lead the reader to a feeling of disappointment. So in essence, the perfect ending to a mystery book is to have one or two aspects unsolved so that the door is left open.

Over the years, many mystery books were created for movies or TV serialization, and this is a tremendously positive way for an author to increase his or her fan base. People who flock to the movie theater who look for an evening full of entertainment will experience both shock and excitement. If a book can deliver this with its storyline, then it has a significant chance of making a sizeable amount of money at the box office. Real blockbusters usually have multiple sequels and associated merchandise, and these types of books undoubtedly help to swell the numbers of murder mystery book enthusiasts.

Mystery Books and New Authors

So if a “chick flick” isn’t your thing, and erotic books leave you empty, then you may consider increasing your mystery book library at home. Be on the lookout for new up and coming authors, “fresh blood” if you will. New authors can be resented at first by die-hard fans of particular famous authors, but once word gets around on social networking sites and in the media, new talent will be seen as a writer that is new and exciting to embrace.

For instance, one of the new murder mystery books entitled “Secrets in the Ice” tells the story of a couple looking forward to a winter’s romantic getaway. They stayed in a quiet cabin in the upper Michigan Peninsula, only to have all the locals’ eyes turned on them when a body is discovered in a frozen lake, in the small town. The couple, Paul and Lisa, do not wait for the small police department to start sniffing around after a second frozen body has been found, one of the locals who has been missing. Instead, they start their own investigating.

Mystery Books and Investigations

As Paul and Lisa delve into their investigation, they discover that there is an unsolved, 24-year-old homicide that happened in the same lake, and they listen to the townspeople whisper about how it is the ghosts of those long-ago

Mystery Writers have a long, respected genre in which to work, and “Secrets in the Ice” takes its place in that same murder mystery genre. So turn down all the lights, except the one by your favorite spot to read all your mystery books, and dive into Paul and Lisa’s story.

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